I understand that my child's education is important, and I am committed to being actively engaged in my child's learning. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability.
Make sure my child attends school every day, on time, and ready to learn.
Support my child’s learning at home by providing a quiet time and place for homework.
Make sure my child completes all his/her homework. Also, make sure I sign the completed homework daily.
Ensure my child gets adequate sleep, and receives regular medical attention and proper nutrition.
Read to my child and encourage my child to read at least 20 to 30 minutes daily.
Regularly monitor my child’s progress in school.
Participate in parent-teacher conferences, Back-to School Night, Open House, parent meetings, workshops, other school events, and committee/council meetings that are related to my child’s education as much as possible.
Volunteer a minimum of 5 hours a year in the school or my child’s classroom.
Know the grade-level Common Core Standards and curriculum to support my child’s academic achievements.